
Honeymoon over Portland

Maple Bacon Voodoo Doughnut (365:167)
Originally uploaded by Megan the Librarian

I was surprised by my wedding present tonight. Ben had alluded to have gotten me a Bride's gift and that I would receive it shortly after my birthday. He knows full well I can not take the suspense of such a tease. I thought I would be pestering him until the early days of October. Ben can hold a secret (especially a good one) until doomsday. That is an untested statement, regardless if you have a secret Ben is safe to put it in. Tonight. Something was different about tonight. I don't know if it's the cool evening air or the thought of the nuptials coming up in twenty days but Ben cracked. He jumped off the floor and ran to the computer and was giddy in delight as he asked if I wanted to see my gift. I said sure still laying on the couch cushions. He typed on the laptop for a moment and then began a countdown. I rushed over and saw the itinerary for our honeymoon to Portland. He wanted me to have VOODOO Doughnuts for our wedding, but they don't ship, so we will just have to go to them. Right away I was on the phone to my friend Aaron from college. He lives there now with his wife and they just bought a house. A one hundred year old house. I can't wait to see him! I can't wait to be married! I can't wait to get to stay in a four star hotel and be on vacation and eat doughnuts and think about nothing but my husband and me. I GET TO GO TO PORTLAND!


Theresa said...

That is FANTASTIC! You are going to LOVE the city -- I've been three times (once when I was 7, the last time for less than 24 hours) and it's always been delightful. HOORAY!!

shalloboi said...

yaaay! i am so thrilled you get to honeymoon in pdx. that is rad as hell. btw, i went to dublin bay and you will love it - lots of bfl and handmaiden and lovely pretty things. my new favoritest yarn store!!
stefanie (via tyler's acct)

Hannah said...

When are you going? Hope it's not Stitches! If it is, I'll just have to survive :( Portland would be worth it though!